John 3:8
”The wind blows wherever it pleases, you hear its sound but you cannot tell where it is coming from or where it is going…”
Winds are powerful, though not visible, its impact is felt everywhere; and there is no doubt a certain wind is blowing all across the nations of the world. This wind carries in its wake, infections in the thousands on almost every continent of the earth and in some cases deaths. Scientists agree that the corona virus may be airborne but what they are not even sure of, is how long it can survive in the air.
The Bible however speaks of 4 different types of winds that affect our life on earth.
— The east wind.
This is very destructive in nature. It is the east wind that brought some of the plaques into the land of Egypt. (Exod 10:13). This wind is vehement, destructive and violent in nature.
May the east wind never be against you. (Jonah 4: 8).
— The north and south winds.
Biblically, these 2 winds are welcome winds. “Awake north wind, and come, south wind! That its fragrance may spread everywhere”. (Songs of Solomon 4:16.)
— The west wind.
This is probably the most favourable wind. It is called favonius. It is this wind that caught and carried all the locusts in Egypt back into the Red sea. (Exod 10 :19)
Dear friend, my prayer for you this season is that, a favourable wind from heaven will blow your way. May the Lord also remember humanity and send a wind that will cause covid19 to disappear just like He did in the days of Noah. (Gen 8: 1)
Yet still, what the world probably needs the most now, is the Holy Spirit – the mighty rushing Wind of God that turned the whole world upside right in the days of the Apostles.
Further reading : Acts 2 :1-41.